Where To Place Your Home Dance Pole? 5 Best Locations

Are you planning to buy a dance pole, or did you recently take delivery of one? Are you wondering where to place a dance pole at home? It doesn’t have to be a hard feat.

As a pole dancer who has tried many poles, there are a few locations best suited for your dance pole. However, before starting, ensure that the area has enough room for you to freestyle and practice your moves.

That said, below are some of the recommended areas to install your dance poles at home.

Where to Place an In-Home Dance Pole

Spare Room or Home Gym

A spare room or home gym is one of the best places to install your home dance pole. Not only do you have a dedicated space to practice and exercise, but you also have a higher chance of conditioning yourself for success.

Installing your dance pole in the spare room or home gym can also save you from distractions and help to avoid accidents involving indoor furniture.


Does your home have an unused basement? This may be the best place to clear up for your pole dancing sessions. Basements are great because you can customize them to fit your needs. They are also private, allowing you to feel more relaxed while you explore your sensual side.

If using your basement, ensure that the space is cleared out to give you enough room to exercise and practice your moves. You should also ensure that the basement is well-lit to support your activities late into the night.

With a large budget, you can also customize the basement to give you the right feel and motivation to practice frequently.


Garages can be converted for different purposes, including pole dancing. If you have an empty garage, this could be a great spot for your new dance pole. Just make sure that the garage is well-ventilated and has a flat, sturdy surface that can support the weight of the pole and your body.

Living Room

Pole dancers living in smaller apartments or rented properties without extra space may use their living room for pole dancing. A removable dance pole is most recommended for this because they are easy to set up and take down.

If using your living room, be mindful of any furniture or breakable objects that could be damaged during practice. You may need to rearrange your furniture away from the pole area to prevent injuries and accidents.

Outdoor Space

Outdoor spaces like yards, covered patios, or conservatories are also excellent locations to install your dance pole. You can purchase a free standing dance pole for this purpose or go with a removable dance pole for the best outcomes.

It is important that you assess the ceiling and floors in the areas you choose to ensure they are sturdy and can support your weight.

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