Pole Dance Before and After Transformation Photos

Poling has many benefits, including helping with weight loss, building flexibility, and improving self-confidence.

This post is for you if you’re poling and wondering what’s in it for you or what to expect in terms of weight loss and results.

I’ve collected a few before and after poling photos to inspire you to work harder, pole more, and enjoy yourself.

Pole Dance Body Before and After Photos 

How Has Pole Dancing Changed My Body?

Pole dancing can change your body in many ways, including improving your upper body strength, building your core muscles, improving your flexibility and balance, and firming your abdominal and lower back muscles. It can also improve your glutes.

How Much Weight Can You Lose With Pole Dancing?

You can lose 250 – 350 calories in one hour of intense pole dancing. Overweight women can usually lose 40 – 50 pounds in 6 – 8 weeks of diligent pole dancing and fitness.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Pole Dancing?

Moderate pole dancing can leave your body fit, toned, and flexible. However, extreme poling can cause chronic pain and long-term physiological issues due to constant muscle strain.

How Long Does It Take To Get Better at Pole Dancing?

It takes 4 weeks to 6 months to get good at pole dancing, especially as a beginner with no prior flexibility or poling experience.

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